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what to expect

your experience

Sit back, relax and just breathe. Take a seat in one of our comfortable zero gravity chairs; during the session you will be surrounded by a very fine aerosol of dry salt particles that are barely visible to the eye. The lights will dim and you can choose to listen to relaxing music, read a book or magazine, meditate or simply rest. The temperature and humidity in the rooms are controlled to provide an optimal experience. Cell phones, tablets, electronics, food or drinks are not permitted.

what should I wear?

Wear comfortable clothing. To receive additional benefits, you can wear shorts or a t-shirt. Our salt rooms are kept between 65-70°.  Disposable surgical booties and caps are provided before entering the salt room.

how often should i go?

Like many wellness and health regimens, people respond differently. Many people will notice a positive effect in just in one session, however, a series of sessions is recommended for optimal results. Typically, 1 or 2 sessions weekly help maintain a state of wellness.

book your session

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